November 3 — 7, 2019. Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China
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Plenary Speakers
  Name   Jun Chen
  Titles & Positions   Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
  Affiliation   School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
  585 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907
  Contact Information   Email:
  Presentation Title   Application of Digital Holography on Multiphase Flow Diagnostics
The recent development of digital holography as a multiphase flow diagnostics tool will be introduced in detail. Digital holography is applied to record the highly dynamic atomization process. Various stages of the aerodynamic breakup of a falling drop are quantified, including deformation, bag growth, bag breakup, and rim breakup. A hybrid method is applied to extract the three-dimensional (3D) location and size of secondary droplets as well as the 3D morphology of the rim. Particle matching between sequential frames is used to determine the 3D velocity. Coincidence with the results obtained from phase Doppler anemometry measurement demonstrates the accuracy of measurement by digital holography and the hybrid method for particle detection. This tool contributes to characterize the complex multiphase structures and develop accurate models to describe the underlying physics, which represents a key challenge for high-fidelity CFD-based design tools. It brings a new quantitative understanding of the atomization process close to the primary breakup regime. Also presented is the application of digital holography to a variety of multiphase problems, including the liquid breakup, solid particles, and burning particles in reactional flows.
  Biographical Sketch
Dr. Jun Chen received his B.S. degree and M.S. degree in aerospace engineering from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He obtained his PhD degree in mechanical engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 2005 and did postdoctoral research at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He joined Purdue faculty of School of Mechanical Engineering in 2008. Dr. Chen's research interests are in the general area of experimental and applied fluid dynamics, including advanced flow diagnostics techniques, benchmark experiments and turbulence modeling, and applied fluid dynamics. He has won the Outstanding Fluid Mechanics Paper Award from Measurement Science & Technology and Robert T. Knapp Award from American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME).
Copyright © 2019 The 11th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flow
Address:301, Xuefu Road Zhenjiang Province P.R.China  Email:
Symposium Contact Telephone (website and sponsors issues):+86-18262881286
Local Organizer: School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University